by: Barb Dearing
Looking for a diet pill? Confused about where to start? Join the club! Dieters today are faced with a multitude of choices when it comes to choosing a weight loss pill. And truthfully, there is no perfect weight loss aid that is best for everybody. Let's take a quick look at three of the more popular categories of weight loss pills so you can determine the one that is best for you!
1. Fat Burners. Fat burners are one of the oldest and best known categories of weight loss aids. You may have heard of Hydroxycut, a weight loss pill that has been on the market for over ten years. This type of pill assists in the weight loss process by increasing the user's metabolism. The result is that calories to be burned more quickly. Many of old fat burners used to contain ephedra, a traditional Chinese herb also known as ma huang. But ephedra was linked to adverse effects like high blood pressure and racing heart, so the FDA banned this stimulant in 2004. These days, the key ingredient in Hydroxycut, and similar fat burners, is Garcinia Cambogia extract, which is considered safe by the FDA.
Some fat burning pills still contain large amounts of caffeine, which can cause a few side effects for people who are sensitive to caffeine. For this reason, there is a new breed of all-natural fat burners on the market. One such example would be Caralluma Burn, made from the extract of Caralluma Fimbriata. This particular fat burner works to stimulate the metabolism without the use of caffeine (or ephedra).
2. Fat Blockers. This is another category of weight loss supplements that works by attacking fat in the body. But rather than burning off the fat that is already accumulated, a fat blocker works by keeping the fat from ever staying in the body in the first place.
One of the best known fat blockers is Alli, which is the only over-the-counter weight loss aid that has been approved by the FDA. How does it work? Alli contains an ingredient called Orlistat that attaches to some of the fat-digesting enzymes in the body and prevents those fats from being fully digested. This process actually "blocks" about 25 percent of the fat eaten. This undigested fat is not absorbed -- instead, it passes naturally out of the body.
Proactol is another example of a fat blocking pill, but its ingredients are a little different than Alli. Proactol's main ingredient is a fiber complex that comes from the Optuntia Ficus India Cactus (sometimes called Prickly Pear). Proactol contains both soluble and non-soluble fiber. The non-soluble fiber interacts with dietary fats, binding with the fats to form a fluid-like gel. The new fat complex is too big to be absorbed by the body and ends up being passed naturally through the body.
The soluble fibers in Proactol bind with bile acids in the digestive system, creating thick viscous solution which slows down digestion and the absorption of glucose. The stomach finds the viscous solution a lot harder to digest than an ordinary meal, therefore, it remains in the stomach longer and contributes to the feeling of being "full". So Proactol functions not only as a fat blocker, but as an appetite suppressant as well.
3. Carb Blockers. Just as fat blockers keep fat from being digested, carb blockers do the same with -- you guessed it -- carbs! Carbohydrates, while a necessary nutrient for energy, can easily be processed as glucose and stored as fat when overeaten. And goodness knows how easy it is to overeat bread, potatoes, and sweets.
Dietrine Carb Blocker is the best known example in this weight loss category. It contains an all-natural ingredient (made from white kidney beans) that neutralizes the digestive enzyme apha alylase before it can convert starch into glucose. This reduces the amount of carbohydrates absorbed, essentially allowing the carbs to exit the body with reduced caloric intake.
So whether you are trying to burn fat, block fat or block carbs, there is a weight loss pill that can help you reach your weight goal. However, as with all weight loss aids, it is important to remember that none will do the job alone. All of these products are meant to accompany a reduced-calorie diet, regular exercise, and sufficient intake of water.
If you would like to read actual user comments on the above weight loss products, please visit the website recommended below.
Barb Dearing is a writer specializing in the topics of health, beauty and weight loss. She recommends the following website to read actual user comments on the products mentioned in this article:
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